I decided to take a break from my technological world for a few days. This should have been posted yesterday but alas- it was Sunday. Time to rest. Below is a brief detailing of last week- enjoy!

Monday night we visited with Hank and Nadine. Tuesday- we went to a language exchange at a local American establishment. Every Tuesday Spaniards can come from all over Valencia to sharpen their English skills. This week I spoke with Rafael “Rafa,” Lola, and Carlos. Rafael is a professor of economics at a university here in Valencia. Rafa speaks very well and recently finished a book that Anita had given him to read by Josh McDowell. I asked him to tell me about the book and we discussed the things that he did not agree with. These are the moments that you wish you had been paying more attention in Philosophy of Religion…Thankfully the Holy Spirit brought to mind a few key points that I thought would help. Like many Spaniards, Rafa is skeptical of religion and has been burned by religious authorities and institutes. Unfortunately, Catholicism has tainted the peoples trust, causing them to resent religion and shirk relationship. How can you gain someone’s trust if they have determined to never to open their heart to anyone again? Rafa does not believe that the canon of scripture is free from error. He is convinced that manuscripts can be easily edited and manipulated. However, I am not convinced that these questions validate Rafa’s mistrust. For even if his questions were sufficiently answered to his liking, he would not immediately fall down on his knees begging God to forgive him. I believe that his question serve as a protective barrier, constantly guarding his vulnerability. This is true for all of us. God is the Father of lights and in him there is no darkness at all. Even the darkness is light to him. It is not natural for any of us to run to the light when we sin. What did Adam and Eve do in the garden? They saw their nakedness (vulnerability in sin) and hid. We hide from God as a child hides from an angry parent. And just as the child needs to see that the parent who finds them will only lovingly discipline for their good, so we need to see that the God who finds us will do the same. By his own confession Rafa wants to believe in a higher being; however, he fears placing his vulnerability in Jesus hands will disappoint him just as everything else in this world has done before. God is patient and will draw him at whatever pace he chooses. I will talk with Rafa next week. I plan to lend him the movie
Amazing Grace. I think it will serve an excellent historical narrative with which he can practice his English
and learn a little something extra ;-) If you have not seen it,
Amazing Grace is a powerful story about William Wilburforce and the abolition of the slave trade- EXCELLENT movie.

Wednesday and Thursday I went to Mission Urbana to help out in the afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon the Mission serves “merienda” which is the Spanish term for an afternoon snack- Ha, it is one of the 5 times a day that they eat around here. They also sing worship songs and give a devotional message. On Thursday I went to the food distribution center (also operated by Mission Urbana) to learn how they operate. Upon first arriving in Spain, I saw the economic façade but the longer I am here the more I see the walls coming down. They refer to it as a crisis. The unemployment rate is about 20% so the Spanish government distributes food to the people through local missions and churches, etc. The government provides a small warehouse type building with no electricity and minimal structural furnishings. My organization side LOVES it
J I can restock my table and gather items on the lists…am I weird??
J After the sun set and we could work by the light of day no longer, I met Lea for tapas and ice cream. Lea goes to Chris and Anita’s church (where I will be attending while I am here) and is my age. Her father is one of the elders/pastors at the church. I really enjoyed talking with her…we made a deal- she speaks in Spanish and I in English – so we can both learn. It was a nice way to unwind from the long day.
Left to Right: Chris, Akin, Kebba, Sulemon, Anita, me |
Friday was Akin’s birthday. Akin is a new Christian from Nigeria. We celebrated by eating dinner and cake. We also got a chance to meet Akin’s friends: Kebba (Catholic from West Africa) and Sulemon (Muslim-Ghana). Anita asked Sulemon about his religion but he could not answer! When asked what would happen to him when he died, he replied, “I do not know.” We were able to talk to both of the men about Jesus and his death on the cross. They wanted to think about what they heard and each took Jesus films home with them. Pray that God would open their eyes and that they would answer the door to him as he knocks on their hearts.
Saturday- One of the pastor’s from Chris and Anita’s church came to talk with Hank about what it was like to become a Christian from a Muslim background. It was very powerful to witness…He said the Love was what drew him. It’s too bad there is such hatred and fear toward Muslims in our country…I can only imagine what would happen if we truly learned to love our enemies. With all of my heart I long for the day when I will fall on my face before the throne of God and my new friend will be beside me…then we can spend all eternity speaking the language of heaven.
Me with Charo and Anita |
On Sunday we went to church and later had dinner together with Charo- Anita’s best friend in Spain. I really enjoy listening to Charo- she has such a zest for life and a great sense of humor, too. Sadly, the blood Jesus’ spilt for her does not touch her heart. But! I found out that she and I have something in common- we both love to paint. She is a far better artist than I and uses oils rather than my preferred acrylics. I love to paint scenes from various scriptures. I imagine them and try my best to depict the scenes as true to their description as possible…with my own creative flare of course
J. However, Charo only paints from pictures. I have asked her to teach me to paint with oils while I teach her to paint with her imagination. For some time now, I have wanted to paint the throne room as portrayed in Revelation. Since oil paintings require more patience and time to dry, I will have more time to talk with Charo about the Lord. Pray that as our brush strokes bring colorful life to a blank canvas, Jesus would gently stroke the blank canvas of her heart to create a beautiful new life in him.
Gosh, I miss you guys… but I LOVE what I have the privilege of doing here. Know that I carry you in my heart wherever I go and I think of you often. My only consolation is the eternity we will spend together where time and space cannot interfere with the wonderful stories we will have to share.