Today, I wished that you all could be with me. Anita and I went to study the Bible with Hank and Nadine (names changed for their protection). They recently renounced their faith in Allah to follow Isa (Jesus). In only a few short months Hank has read the ENTIRE Bible! Anita and I were shocked. Since I have only recently arrived in Spain, I was there to listen and observe the conversation in Spanish. Thank God I understood most of it. I cannot tell you how my heart overflowed with joy. I sat there-dumbfounded that the Lord could be so gracious to allow me to witness such a precious sight. Here was this man, with an insatiable desire for Truth, telling us that he studied the Bible every night (sometimes until 4am). I remembered my days when I first began to know the Lord and how precious they were to me- how precious they are to me still. As I listened to him ask questions and tell us of the scriptures in John that touched his heart, I felt the presence of God with us. I could only imagine the value of this sweet and fragrant offering before the throne of God. As my heart, too was touched by the witnessing the child-like faith before me, I knew that his heart’s humble cry to know Isa Messiah more touched our heavenly Father as well. Tears filled my eyes. This descendant of Ishmael, this enemy of God had been brought near by the blood of Jesus. His hunger and thirst for God is like none that I have ever seen. Thank you, Lord for allowing me to witness something so beautiful. You are so good to us. Your kindness is endearing to me and I love you. Oh my friends, this was truly a sight to behold. I am convinced that God has chosen him for time such as this. He has already traveled to other cities to tell his Muslim friends and family; RISKING REJECTION AND FACING IT! When we asked him how we could pray for him he answered, “más fe” or more faith. Only my God could do something so magnificent.

He read about the glory of God and asked what it meant. Anita tried to explain so that he could understand but he did not. He read the Arabic translation and explained what the word used for glory in his language meant. In his language, glory meant respect for people, being a good person, being a good citizen, etc. Glory equated to good works. Our word for this definition would be honor. Hank comes from an Honor/Shame based culture- a concept that our western minds do not grasp well. Since our culture emphasizes individuality, our actions do not reflect upon our parents/ family members in the same way. We can recognize a good family and easily understand if there are a few rebellious family members. After all, no family is perfect. No so in Arabic culture. The actions of a member of society reflect upon the rest of society. This is why Hank and Nadine are now considered infidels because of their newfound faith. They have shamed their family, Allah, Islam, and Muslims everywhere. His family no longer considers him alive because he has shamed the family. Occasionally, you may have heard of
honor killings in the news. An honor killing is the practice of erasing or blotting out the shame that has been brought upon the family by another family member. This is the extremity of the importance of Honor and Shame in Middle Eastern Culture. Hank’s culture equates giving glory with giving honor or esteeming greatly by ones actions.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” –John 1:14What do you think? How would you describe the word glory in this context? Is there a difference between giving glory to and beholding glory?
All I can say is I am in love. I could do this for the rest of my days and never grow weary of it. Our God knows our desires. Please allow him to lead you to yours. I thank God every day that he didn’t leave me lost in my disobedience. True peace and joy comes from obeying his commands. At the end of his life Solomon concluded, “Fear God and keep his commands.” I join him in pleading with you- if there is anything that your heavenly Father has asked of you- please know that it is only for your good. Stop struggling with him and surrender. He will take care of the rest. Do not live your life as an enemy of God, despising his kind words to you. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
By the way...El Gozo de Dios means The Joy of God