This week has been a little hectic. I am scheduled to leave during the first week in October so September is crunch time. So much to do and so little time! All support has to be in ASAP so that I can book my flight. Thankfully, all of the flight information looks promising and everything is falling into place. I am still not to 100% support so I have had to cut the duration of the trip down to three months so that I can leave in time to submit my final paperwork to my internship adviser at Liberty. Although this time frame is not set in stone, it is nice to have some kind of idea about my time limitations prior to departure rather than not knowing until mid-trip. Let's just say that I am a recovering control freak...still trying to maintain control...with absolutely none! Ha- but at least I can admit it and laugh about it.
I do want to share something amazing that happened to me today. I was driving home from picking up a support check and I thought about how easily the Lord had brought this check to my fingertips. I thought about the events that surrounded its arrival and the goodness of the One who saw fit to give it to me. Of course, I was grateful to the person who decided to give. But I was so in awe of the One to whom it truly belonged. Tears welled in my eyes as I thought about the careful thoughts that my Father must have had towards me to bring this about. I had trusted his heart months and weeks and days before I could trust the evidence of his hand but I was dumbfounded. I was overwhelmed...A song played in the background of my thoughts describing the strength it takes to wait for Him to act.
-----I wrote the above last week - below are some updates-----
I found out last week that I will only be able to go for 3 months. Last minute surprises are always part of the adventure. I was, however, able to book my plane ticket! So that is excellent news :-)
GEM crunched some numbers for me with the new dates and after a few support cards clear the system, I will only need $900.00.
I have to look at the calendar to think about the day that I asked the Lord how he wanted to send me...August 15. He specifically answered with a Word...August 26.
Even on August 26th it looked pretty hopeless. I had about 19K that needed to come in in less than a month. There are no words. There are no words. Did I mention, there are NO WORDS that describe how that has changed. I went from 19K to 900 in a few weeks. More than anything else I wanted what I said about His character- he provides- to be mirrored in my life. I wanted my life to agree with what I was saying about him. He is more than capable of giving weight to his name: Jehovah Jireh.
It's overwhelming.
Thursday evening I was getting together with some friends from church to share about what the Lord has been doing in my life during my college years. I wasn't feeling very well before I went but I didn't want to cancel. We spent hours talking, when I finally came face to face with the reality that I had food poisoning. So here I am...with food poisoning...and all that comes with having food poisoning...trying to talk. It's funny now but it wasn't then. Thankfully, I was able to finished my story. Before I left, they handed me a card with mention of a small gift they had wanted to give to me for Spain. I was so sick when I got home that I went straight to bed and left everything in my car. Finally, I was cleaning out my car yesterday and opened the card. When they said a, "small gift" I was thinking a "small gift," right? Wrong! My jaw hit the floor. Not one word left my mouth except what God had put in my heart to do for the people of Valencia and the Lord had kept his promise. If I would tell the story of his work in my life- he would take care of the rest. Spiritual rain fell on me in that moment. I felt so cherished and cared for. So loved.
If you are reading this and you have not experienced the kind of love I am speaking of, you can. I am not any different than you. I am a sinner. I've made mistakes. But God made a way for all men to erase their mistakes through the death of his son Jesus. Jesus' death satisfied the payment necessary for our sins...FOREVER. If you know that you are a sinner and want to be right with God, tell him. Agree with God that you have sinned against him and that you cannot please him on your own. Tell him that you want to accept that Jesus' death as the only thing that can save you from your sins.
This is a decision I know you will never regret. I would rather be a slave forever in the House of God than a slave for a day to sin and it's master, Satan.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about my time in Valencia or want to share what He is doing in your life- I would love to hear about it.
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